Jobs in Russia

Andrew Jameson a.jameson at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Thu Feb 19 12:23:36 UTC 2004

St Petersburg Association for International Co-operation, Fontanka 21, 190011 St Petersburg, RF.
Fax: +9 812 117 4089. This address is the Shuvalov Palace, just off Nevsky. If you fax, tell them on
one sheet what you can offer and when you would be available, don't bother them with questions at
this stage.

If you can give interesting and clear lectures in (not too technical) English on British or American
general, business or language topics, discuss the possibility of an invitation. Some knowledge of
ELT is useful. Computing is also in demand. The first visit might be for a month speaking or
teaching in schools and colleges, accommodation could be found for you. You will be living in
Russian conditions.

During the first visit you have opportunities to make contacts and fix other part time work. Jobs
are usually fixed up by personal recommendation. StP has many HE establishments which will give you
an invitation, lodging and a Russian salary for, say, 3 months teaching. A very few pay more, but
check the place out first! You'll need to pay your own air fare. The times when you would be wanted
are October-December and February-April.

Further advice and information is available. I've done this as an early retirement job for three
years now, and enjoyed it.
Andrew Jameson
Chair, Russian Committee, ALL
Reviews Editor, Rusistika
Listowner russian-teaching list
Freelance tutor and translator
1 Brook Street
Lancaster LA1 1SL UK
Tel/fax 01524 32371

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janneke vandeStadt" <Janneke.vandeStadt at WILLIAMS.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 2:49 PM
Subject: [SEELANGS] Jobs in Russia

I am posting this query for one of my students who is very interested in finding
a job in Russia next year.  Would you please answer him
directly (Stephen.Winslow at if you have any ideas?

I am very interested in going to Russia for a year or two after I graduate.
Ideally, I would like to find a position in computer programming, network
administration, or teaching English, but I am open to almost anything!

Are there any schools, businesses, or institutions that regularly hire college
graduates with Russian language background?  Any possible leads would be greatly

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