On-line Placement Exams for Russian?

Renee Stillings | Alinga renee at ALINGA.COM
Fri Feb 20 09:05:11 UTC 2004

We are actually going to be posting the first level "TORFL" (bazovi) on our
website in the next couple of weeks and after that the second level
"elementarni". These are not the exams themselves of course but are being
developed for us by the team at Moscow State University that developed the
official state exams. Level 2 is what is required for both citizenship and
for entry into BA/BS programs in Russian universities. We are using this
both to assist in placing our students in their language study programs in
Russia and for students to do self-evaluations. Ultimately, if interest is
high enough in such tests, we will be adding tests on several subjects
related to Russian studies (history, culture, political science).

This raises the interesting point of whether we can equate the results of
these tests at least approximately to a system for placement in US
university programs. There is always of course the oral component that will
not be included, but it may still be sufficient.

If anyone is interested in taking a test run on the first level as soon as
it is launched, I'd be happy to hear from you. Likewise, I am very
interseted in how we might equate this to the US university levels and I am
sure our students will be interested in that also.

Renee Stillings

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carol Ueland" <CUELAND at DREW.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: [SEELANGS] On-line Placement Exams for Russian?

> Dear Seelang folks,
>      My institution is considering going to on-line placement exams for
> incoming students for all languages, including Russian.  Do they exist
> for Russian?  Would you be willing to share any experiences with them?
> I think this topic would probably interest the list, but if you would
> rather respond privately, my e-mail is CUeland at Drew.edu
>       Many thanks in advance,
>       Carol Ueland
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