Elementary School Literature Textbooks Used in Russia

Gordon Ross gfross at PACBELL.NET
Sat Feb 21 02:23:34 UTC 2004

Although I am not familiar with the current system of elementary education
in Russia, I assume that each grade level uses a textbook designed to
improve students' reading skills in Russian and that such a textbook
includes short passages in imaginative literary Russian as well as questions
designed to make students aware of the elements of literature (plot,
setting, characterization, theme, etc.).
I would like to buy one copy of such a textbook for each elementary grade
level, from 1st-year to 8th [?] -year.
Can any of you explain what I need to do in order to obtain these texts?
Should I work through a bookstore in the U.S.?  Would I have to contact a
governmental agency in Russia?  Can this be done via the Internet?  Can I
pay by VISA or other credit card?
My knowledge of Russian is still weak - only a college year's worth, so I
would prefer to communicate in English.
My goal is to learn to read Russian imaginative literature and literary
criticism.  I know that texts for adults exist to help students accomplish
this goal.  However, I also enjoy learning by reading readers designed for
children.  I have done this with French and learned a great deal by doing
so, not only about the French language and literature but also about the
French educational system and the process of _formation_ (to use the French
word).  So I thought I might do the same with Russian.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!
Gordon Ross
San Francisco, California

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