making Cyrillic look like Cyrillic

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Tue Feb 24 17:40:12 UTC 2004

Christopher Tessone wrote:

> Whoops, there was an error in my last message.  I meant you should
> rename the file to *end* in .html.  So if the file is named page1.txt,
> you should make it page1.html, etc.

Not good enough on several scores.

An HTML file isn't simply a text file with the wrong extension. At a
bare minimum, it must contain the following:

====================[begin illustration]====================
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Your title goes here</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>

Your content goes here

=====================[end illustration]=====================

But even pasting the problematic text in the middle of that doesn't work
-- a few of the characters, such as the curly quotes, are correctly
rendered, but most turn to question marks or boxes, depending on the
encoding selected. I tried this in several browsers, using several
different encodings (several flavors of Cyrillic as well as Unicode),
and nothing worked.

If the source text came from WordPerfect, then the problem is that the
WP fonts are not Unicode fonts to start with, and they map the Cyrillic
characters differently from the way the rest of the universe does. Bob
will probably need some kind of converter routine or script.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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