making Cyrillic look like Cyrillic

Christopher Tessone tessone at POLYGLUT.NET
Tue Feb 24 18:00:06 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul B Gallagher <paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM> writes:

    Paul> An HTML file isn't simply a text file with the wrong
    Paul> extension. At a bare minimum, it must contain the following:


I'm well aware of the HTML standards and what consitutes a compliant
HTML file.  In fact, what you've written doesn't even comply with the
minimal standards.  However, if a file is filled with HTML entities
that you want displayed, renaming the file and opening it in a web
browser will do the trick.  From an email he sent me privately it
turns out that's not what needs to be done, but I certainly knew what
I knew what I was saying when I wrote my previous message.  You might
venture to be less condescending in the future.


Christopher A. Tessone, OBK
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
BA Student, Russian

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