making Cyrillic look like Cyrillic

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Tue Feb 24 18:39:43 UTC 2004

Christopher Tessone wrote:

>>>>>>"Paul" == Paul B Gallagher <paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM> writes:
>     Paul> An HTML file isn't simply a text file with the wrong
>     Paul> extension. At a bare minimum, it must contain the following:
> <snip>
> I'm well aware of the HTML standards and what consitutes a compliant
> HTML file.  In fact, what you've written doesn't even comply with the
> minimal standards.  However, if a file is filled with HTML entities
> that you want displayed, renaming the file and opening it in a web
> browser will do the trick.  From an email he sent me privately it
> turns out that's not what needs to be done, but I certainly knew what
> what I was saying when I wrote my previous message.  You might
> venture to be less condescending in the future.

I might, I suppose. The depth and breadth of your knowledge was far from
clear from what you said, especially in the light of the sample text
that Bob posted. Any webmaster can see at a glance that character
entities in the  and  range are not Cyrillic and are not
going to be converted to Cyrillic by simply opening them with a browser
(capital A is А and small ya is я). But I tried it anyway on
your say-so -- as I mentioned in my previous post.

As for compliance, I'm sure you know that depends on which standards
we're talking about -- HTML 3, 4, etc. A modern browser will display my
example just fine; I omitted all the latest clutter (e.g., doctype and
HTML version) in order to focus on the point at hand.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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