Festival of Documentary Films on Women of Nine Post-Soviet States - March 12-13th, 2004, University of Colorado at Boulder

Rimgaila Salys Salys at BUFFMAIL.COLORADO.EDU
Wed Feb 25 04:13:16 UTC 2004

Documentary Films on the Women of Nine Post-Soviet States

Film Series from the Network Women's Program of the Open
Society Institute-Russia and the Gender Policy Institute

   March 12th  5:00-8:00 pm
March 13th 12:00-4:00 pm

University of Colorado at Boulder
Humanities Bldg., Room 150
Free and open to the public

Each film will be introduced by Elena Stishova, senior editor at Iskusstvo kino and adjunct professor at the State Institute of Cinematography, Moscow.

Friday, March 12
5:00-8:00 pm
Tomorrow Will Be Better?
Lithuania, 2003
Director: Monika Juozapaviciute
The experiences of four women from independent Lithuania-a political scientist, a small business owner, an actress and a woman farmer.

Georgia, 2003
Director: Liana Jakeli
In an isolated minority community outside the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, Azeri girls stop going to school at the age of 14-15.  Some are already married; others are about to be kidnapped.

Silk Patterns
Mongolia, 2003
Director: Uranchimeg Nansalmaa
Eighty percent of Mongolian students are women, yet a college education does not guarantee a different life.

Beauty of the Fatherland
Estonia, 2001
Directors: Jaak Kilmi and Andres Maimik
Two models of new Estonian womanhood: a former super model, the organizer of beauty pageants, and a girl scout troop leader seemingly embody opposing values, yet promote similar stereotypes of patriarchy and nationalism.

Saturday, March 13th
12:00-4:00 pm

Power: Feminine Gender
Ukraine, 2003
Directors: Nina Rudik, Vlad Gello
Although women have traditionally been active in family life, agriculture and business, women's political projects in independent Ukraine remain "decorative" evidence of the country's movement toward European style democracy.

Red Butterflies Where Two Springs Merge
Kyrgyzstan, 2002
Directors: Gaukhar Sydykova and Dilia Ruzieva
An elderly traditional rug maker from a remote mountain village becomes a community leader and internationally acclaimed artist.

Hack Workers
Uzbekistan, 2002
Director: Furkat Yavkalkhodzhaev
Banished by their families and ignored by society, women doomed to the shame of the day labor market are subject to pervasive violence.

Live Containers
Tadzhikistan, 2002
Director: Orzu Sharipov
Women who attempt to save their families from starvation by using their bodies as containers for heroine are sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

Wishing for Seven Sons and One Daughter
Azerbaidzhan, 2002
Director: Ali-Isa Djabbarov
The use of ultrasound technology to design the ideal family.

For more information, see http://www.colorado.edu/germslav/russian/gendermontage.htm or contact Rima Salys (Salys at colorado.edu) 

Sponsored by the Graduate Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Department of Film Studies

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