"texts in context" / multiple literacies in Russian language/lit courses?

Monnier, Nicole M. MonnierN at MISSOURI.EDU
Sat Feb 28 18:59:48 UTC 2004


Casting about for ways to reinvigorate (if not reinvent!) our third-year language sequence, I recently had a conversation with a German colleage about "text in context" courses she is teaching at MU (as well as elsewhere). I confess that I was more or less unaware of the concept (also known as "multiple literacies," a concept more familiar to me, at least, in the abstract) and am now curious to know whether such courses are actively being taught in Russian programs. Hence, my query: have any of you out there teaching at the third- and fourth-year level created such courses, and if so, would you be willing to share thoughts or point me towards research/models in the Russian field?



Nicole Monnier
Assistant Professor of Russian
Director of Undergraduate Studies
German & Russian Studies
University of Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211

office: 573.882.3370
fax: 573.884.8456

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