Steiner source

Russell Valentino russell-valentino at UIOWA.EDU
Sun Feb 29 15:32:19 UTC 2004

Dear Colleagues,

I found a quotation, in a Croatian source, that is attributed to George Steiner
but not referenced. I have so far not been able to find the original.

Because of the language and subject, I'm hopeful that someone on SEELANGS might
be able to suggest a good place to look for where Steiner might have written
the lines. Here is my back translation of the quote:

“It is difficult to deny the Jewish character of the vision and sensibility of
Trotsky. Like Marx, Trotsky was Jewish by reason of his instinctive
internationalism, in his strategic but also personal refusal to accept national
borders and conflicts among nationalities. The manner in which Stalin
persecuted Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, isolating him and presenting him as an
enemy of the Party cadres, shows not only an obscure and inveterate anti-
Semitism but also the insecurity and exasperated fear of the chauvinist before
the cosmopolitan, the world traveler.”

I'd be very grateful if anyone with a suggestion could send it to me off line.

Thanks very much.


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