Cyrillic from Windows 97 to Windows XP?

Brewer, Michael brewerm at U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Nov 2 16:58:59 UTC 2005


I am pretty sure that I can help you if you don't get the help you need
from someone else over the list in the next several days.  I will be at
AAASS until next week, but should you still need help then, please
contact me off-list and I'll be glad to do what I can. 


Michael Brewer
Slavic Studies, German Studies & Media Arts Librarian
University of Arizona Library A210
1510 E. University
P.O. Box 210055
Tucson, AZ 85721
Voice: 520.307.2771
Fax: 520.621.9733
brewerm at

-----Original Message-----
From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
[mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Michael Holman
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 9:32 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] Cyrillic from Windows 97 to Windows XP?

Dear Seelangers,
When using Windows 97 I typed out my grandfather's Russian memoirs - and
much else besides! I have since transferred to Windows XP, but am unable
to convince the pc to produce the original Cyrillic on the screen. Can
anyone please help? Although now Emeritus, I would still prefer not to
have to spend hours retyping...
Many thanks in advance,
Michael Holman
Emeritus Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies, University of Leeds

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