To all Mac users of BLonline

Loren A. Billings billings at NCNU.EDU.TW
Wed Nov 2 20:13:29 UTC 2005

Dear SEELangs colleagues (cc: Sijmen Tol <bl at KB.NL>),

This is the first I had heard of the new versions available of Mac operating
system and the Safari browser. I've since upgraded both. (Actually,
upgrading MacOS automatically upgrades Safari as well. That point wasn't
clear to me previously.) I've also tried using Safari on a certain web site
for which there were serious difficulties (using both Safari and Explorer).
This time, that web site seems to be working fine. I write to the whole list
because others on the list who use MacOSX might want to hear from a real
user before jumping in themselves. I certainly like to hear before plunging.

Sincerely, --Loren Billings

On 11/2/05 11:01 PM, "Bureau BLB" <bl at KB.NL> wrote:

> Recently we had reports from Mac users, that the new version of BLonline
> didn't function correctly, neither with Explorer nor with Safari. This problem
> has been solved according to the following message from one of our users:
> With MacOS X 10.4.3 ("Tiger, update 3" of November 2005)
> and browser
> Safari 2.0.2 (build 416.12)
> the pop-up list works fine, even when pop-up in the browser is blocked


Loren A. Billings, Ph.D.
Associate professor of linguistics
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
National Chi Nan University
Puli, Nantou County 545 Taiwan

My office location: Humanities room 516

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