Transliteration Software

Benjamin Sher sher07 at MINDSPRING.COM
Sat Nov 5 06:09:26 UTC 2005

Dear friends:

There is an online transliteration service run by Jim Tonn, who is the 
author of Novyi Russkii. You can find it at:

Jim wrote to tell me that the site is currently not working but will be 
back online in a few days. I highly recommend using his web program. I 
don't know if it is free. Probably. His previous transliteration 
software program (Novyi Russkii), no longer available, was free one-way 
but cost $10 (ten) for bi-lingual, two-way transliteration. It works 
great. Jim said that he has decided to put the program online. As I 
said, the program is not yet online but will be in a few days. So check 
it out when it's online.


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