literary magazine "Chetver"

Brewer, Michael brewerm at U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Nov 7 20:55:17 UTC 2005


I tried to find your email on the University of Nebraska site so I could contact you offline, but had no luck.  

This seems to be available at the University of Manitoba (but they list #4 as being 1993 - the issues seem not to restart each year).  You might want to contact them to see if this is the issue you need. 

It also looks like this library in Munich has it (it also lists 4 as 1993). 
Bibliothek:   BAY <12> München BSB   
Grundsignatur:   4 W 96.338  
Bestand:   4.1993; 6.1996; 7.1996; 9.2000   
Fernleihe:   ja 

You may be able to get your library's ILL department to get these for you. 


Michael Brewer
Slavic Studies, German Studies & Media Arts Librarian
University of Arizona Library A210
1510 E. University
P.O. Box 210055
Tucson, AZ 85721
Voice: 520.307.2771
Fax: 520.621.9733
brewerm at

-----Original Message-----
From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list [mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Nina Shevchuk
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 11:43 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] literary magazine "Chetver"

Dear Seelangers!

You are my last hope. I need to find issue 4 of the Ukrainian literary magazine "Chetver" (1994), and I will be grateful for any information leading to finding it. The reason I need it is that it published Yuri Andrukhovych's cycle "Letters to Ukraine" in full, all 20 poems, plus the poet's commentary. I'm translating these poems, and have recently realized that I don't have all 20 Ukrainian originals. Neither does Mr. Andrukhovych himself.

Thanks in advance,


Nina Shevchuk-Murray

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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