Bogdanov's "Red Star"

David Powelstock pstock at
Mon Nov 7 21:29:46 UTC 2005

Hi, Ron,

If the translation were available, I would likely include it in my course on
Russian Modernism. About 15 students every second year (next up in spring
2007). Thanks for going to bat for the book. It would be great to have it


David Powelstock
Asst. Prof. of Russian & East European Literatures
Chair, Program in Russian & East European Studies
Brandeis University
GREA, MS 024
Waltham, MA  02454-9110
781.736.3347 (Office)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
> [mailto:SEELANGS at] On Behalf Of LeBlanc, Ronald
> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 4:08 PM
> Subject: [SEELANGS] Bogdanov's "Red Star"
> Dear SEELANGers,
> I regularly teach a course, "Humanities and Science," that focuses on
> artistic representations of the often troublesome relationship between
> human
> beings and the machines they create (especially robots).
> This focus allows me to include Comp Lit texts such as Villiers's
> "Tomorrow's Eve" and Capek's "R.U.R." (as well as films such as
> "Metropolis"
> and "Modern Times"), but also works of early twentieth-century Russian
> literature such as Bogdanov's "Red Star," Zamyatin's "We," Mayakovsky's
> "The
> Bedbug," and Olesha's "Envy."
> Bogdanov's novel has been available in English translation in a nicely
> translated and annotated paperback edition published by Indiana UP.  But
> that edition, alas, has now gone out of print.
> At the AAASS conference in Salt Lake City this past week, I spoke with
> Janet
> Rabinowitch of IUP about the possibility of the Bogdanov edition being
> reprinted.  She is curious to know beforehand exactly what kind of
> academic
> demand there might be for this text.
> If any of you have used, currently do us, or anticipate using at some
> point
> in the near future IUP's English-language version of Bogdanov's "Red Star"
> for a course you teach, would you please reply to me
> (ronald.leblanc at asap?
> Thanks,
> Ron
> Ronald D. LeBlanc
> Professor of Russian and Humanities
> University of New Hampshire
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