Shaljugin's article (?)

Mon Nov 7 23:02:19 UTC 2005

Dear Giampaolo Gandolfo,

Tha article you have mentioned was published in "Chekhovskie chteniia v Yalte: Chekov v menyaiushchemsya mire. Moscow, 1993. Pages 5-13.

The full Russian title sounds as:
Шалюгин Г.А. Сон Константина Треплева (Неизвестные источники пьесы «Чайка»)//Чеховские чтения в Ялте: Чехов в меняющемся мире. М., 1993. С.5-13

Good luck, yours sincerely

Dr. Yelena Minyonok
Curator of Folklore Archive
Institute of World Literature (Russian Academy of Sciences)
Russia, 121069, Moscow,
Povarskaya, 25a
tel. (095) 952-6583

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Giampaolo Gandolfo" <gianpaolo.gandolfo at FASTWEBNET.IT>
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 2:49 PM
Subject: [SEELANGS] Shaljugin's article (?)

Dar Seelangers,
            I cannot trace back the following bibliographic item:
Геннадий Шалюгин, Сон Константина Треплева, 1993
It is an article, I suppose, and refers to Chekhov' The Seagull, but when and where was it published? The year 1993 is not certain in my notes.
        Thank you for any information or hint.  
                Giampaolo Gandolfo

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