BBC News on foreign students in Russia

MEL TRIBBLE cantgetenuffomel at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 29 16:06:11 UTC 2005

  I am an African American student and I major in the Russian language.  It concerns me because this is not the first article I have read about Russia and racism.  I was planning to study abroad in Moscow and St. Petersburg for a year.  I also planned to live in Moscow to fulfill an internship but now I am not so sure.  Can anyone please give me some insight or advice as to what I should do?  
  Thank you for all of your comments,

Vitaly Chernetsky <vchernet at FAS.HARVARD.EDU> wrote:
  Dear Colleagues,

Below pleas find the link to a news story on the Russian-language site of BBC

It deals with the aftermath of attacks on foreign students in Voronezh.


Vitaly Chernetsky

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