BBC News on foreign students in Russia

Deborah Hoffman lino59 at AMERITECH.NET
Wed Nov 30 15:19:56 UTC 2005

I have the same concern - can anyone share impressions
on the different regions or cities?  I'm jewish and
can pass as not but my husband is more obviously
(stereotypically?) so.  I'm hesitant to bring him,
much less our son, which would curtail any extensive
study or work in Russia, though obviously not short
trips I could do on my own.

It's hard to sort out the extent or scale of the
threat because those without the same fears may
underestimate the risk, and those of us who have
reason to fear may perceive the overall risk as being
greater than it actually is because we don't want to
be that one in a million.  Ironically, I had thought
of going to a smaller area (like Voronezh) instead of
Moscow for this precise reason.

> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 29 Nov 2005 08:06:11 -0800
> From:    MEL TRIBBLE <cantgetenuffomel at YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: Re: BBC News on foreign students in Russia
> Hello,
>   I am an African American student and I major in
> the Russian language.  It concerns me because this
> is not the first article I have read about Russia
> and racism.  I was planning to study abroad in
> Moscow and St. Petersburg for a year.  I also
> planned to live in Moscow to fulfill an internship
> but now I am not so sure.  Can anyone please give me
> some insight or advice as to what I should do?  
>   Thank you for all of your comments,
>   Mel.
> Vitaly Chernetsky <vchernet at FAS.HARVARD.EDU> wrote:
>   Dear Colleagues,
> Below pleas find the link to a news story on the
> Russian-language site of BBC
> news:

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