East European Literature

David Powelstock pstock at BRANDEIS.EDU
Tue Jan 3 00:47:30 UTC 2006

I take it that Carol is looking for an anthology of works from various
countries. There aren't many such. 


(If anyone with the hankering is listening, I think there would be a market
for such an anthology, if it were up-to-date, well-edited and


In the meantime, off the top of my head:


There is Description of a Struggle, edited by Michael March (Picador 1994).
It has wide (but thin) coverage. It's out of print, but I would suggest
picking and choosing (and xeroxing) in any case, as the quality of the
pieces and translations is uneven. 


Another, perhaps unexpected resource, is The Traveller's Literary Companion:
Eastern and Central Europe, edited by James Naughton (Passport Books, 1996).
It has a few translations from a variety of national literatures, but is
more notable for its historical narratives of literary traditions in the
region and encyclopedic entries on individual writers. It's also out of
print, but worth having nevertheless and available used.


More later.



David Powelstock



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