Announcing the 13/2005 volume of Palaeoslavica

Olga Strakhov strakhov at GSD.HARVARD.EDU
Tue Jan 3 18:25:04 UTC 2006

         Dear Colleagues,
         I am pleased to announce the availability of the13/2005 issue of 
The full contents of the latest issue see on our website (unicode 

Volume 1 of Palaeoslavica XIII/2005 consists of two sections: Articles and 
Miscellanea. Section Articles presents the last part of the article by 
Fedor Klimchuk on the medieval history of some regions of Belarus; it also 
contains articles by Tat'iana Vilkul on the origin of the common prototext 
of the Laurentian and Hypatian Chronicles; by Aleksei Tolochko on the 
chronology of the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle; by Donald Ostrowski on the 
textual relationships between the Life of Josif of Volokolamsk and the Life 
of Serapion, Archbishop of Novgorod; by Andrei Selin on the political 
situation in Nov­gorod in 1610/11 and its reflection in some documents of 
the Gosuderev vinnyi pogreb; by Olga Strakhov on the dynamics and strategy 
of corrections, introduced into the Apostoly of the 2nd half of the 17th 
c.; by Alexander Strakhov on the etymology of Russian dialectisms 
kondrashka, zhivoglot, etc.; by Varvara Dobrovol'skaia on the role of 
taboos in the agricultural activity of peasants in Northern and Central 
Russia; and the survey by A Khrolenko et al. of problems and alternatives 
of linguistic aspects of folkloric studies.

      Section Miscellanea presents articles and notes by, among others, P. 
Ambrosiani, S. Kisterev, A. Shchavelev, I. Dobrodomov.

      Volume 2 of Palaeoslavica XIII/2005 consists of sections Speculum and 
      Section Speculum presents A. Strakhov's analysis of some etymologies 
of Proto-Slavic cultural terms; an article by Frances Butler on the 
controversial issues concerning early testimonies of the cult of St. George 
in Kievan Rus'; a reply by D. Ostrowski to the critics of his edition of 
the Primary Chronicle; and another article by A. Strakhov discussing 
obstacles and pitfalls of "folk etymology" and its study. Section 
Publications  presents Slovo ob otrechenii ot mira... by John Climacus 
according to its oldest Slavic manuscript (publ. and comm. by Tat'iana 
Popova), as well as some documents about the conflict between revisers and 
authorities at the Moscow Printing Yard in the beginning of the 18th c. 
(publ. and comm. by O. Strakhov). The section also contains a number of 
large publications of folkloric material in modern records: Russian 
lullabies (publ. and comm. by Elena Samodelova), Ukrainian folk medicine 
and curative spells (publ. and comm. by A. Strakhov), rituals and songs, 
performed on the Nativity and Trinity days in the North-West of the Perm' 
region (comm. and publ. by Klavdiia Prokosheva).
>Dear Colleagues,
>I am pleased to announce the availability of the Fall 2005 issue of 
>the journal of the Slavic and East European Folklore Association.  The 
>of the latest issue are below.
>The journal is available on line at
>Unlike most learned societies, SEEFA places its complete journal on the 
>web with
>free access to all. The Executive Committee of SEEFA feels that folklorists in
>Slavic and East European countries should have access to FOLKLORICA,
>irrespective of their ability to join SEEFA. In fact, as of Winter 2005 over
>one-third of the visits to this web site came from Eastern Europe. However, in
>order for this access to be maintained, we would like to encourage folklorists
>who are in a position to join SEEFA, please to do so.
>We can now accept checks in Euros and Canadian dollars.
>Individual membership in SEEFA is $25 per year for regular members, $10 for
>students, and $35 for institutions. We can also accept checks in Euros (22 for
>regular members, 8 for students, 30 for institutions) and Canadian dollars (30
>for regular members, 12 for students, 42 for institutions).
>Wire transfers of membership dues into the SEEFA account can also be made.
>Contact Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby (jrouhie at for information on 
>FOLKLORICA: Fall 2005, Vol. X, no. 2
>Contemplating Music and the Boundaries of Identity: Attitudes and Opinions
>Regarding the
>Effect of Ottoman Turkish Contact on Bulgarian and Macedonian Folk Musics
>Karen A. Peters
>The Russian Bathhouse: The Old Russian pert’ and the Christian bania in
>Traditional Culture
>Masha Vaneisha
>Name ­ Text ­ Ritual: The Role of Plant Characteristics in Slavic Folk 
>V. B. Kolosova
>Using Digital Technology in the Field:  Report on Folklore Research in 
>Peter W. Holloway and Natalie Kononenko
>Laura J. Olson.  Performing Russia:  Folk Revival and Russian Identity
>Reviewed by Sibelan Forrester
>Olexandra Britsyna and Inna Golovakha.  Prozovyi fol’klor sela Ploske na
>(teksti ta rozvidki) (Prose Folklore of Ploske, a Village in Chernihivshchyna
>(Texts and Analysis))
>         Reviewed by Svitlana Kukharenko
>Priscilla Carrasco. Praise Old Believers
>         Reviewed by Roy R. Robson
>Natalie Kononenko
>Kule Chair of Ukrainian Ethnography
>University of Alberta
>Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
>200 Arts Building
>Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E6
>Phone: 780-492-6810
>Use your web browser to search the archives, control your subscription
>  options, and more.  Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:

 Use your web browser to search the archives, control your subscription
  options, and more.  Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:

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