comp lit conference in Poland

Tony Lin t-lin at NORTHWESTERN.EDU
Wed Jan 11 09:37:48 UTC 2006

Call for Papers: A Comparative Literature Conference in Wrocław, Poland, May
6-7, 2006

Definitions of the real in prose and poetry

Literary terms such as “magical realism” and “socialist realism”
problematize the concept of the real as it is portrayed in novels, short
stories, plays, and poems, particularly in cross-cultural studies. Virtual
reality and surrounding philosophies grow in importance in the information
age. Kathryn Hume, in her text Fantasy and Mimesis, contends that both
fantasy and mimesis are responses to reality, rather than direct
representations of it. Anne Swinfen provides a raison d’être for fantasy,

 All serious fantasy is deeply rooted in human experience and is relevant to
human living. Its major difference from the realist novel is that it takes
account of areas of experience―imaginative, subconscious, visionary―which
free the human spirit to range beyond the limits of empirical primary world
reality. (In Defense of Fantasy 231)

This conference will provide a forum for the discussion of British, American
and Polish fictional texts which provide definitions of what is real and
what is imaginary. Papers may be delivered in Polish or in English, and
sessions will be arranged by language. Joint papers (with two presenters)
are welcome. Selected conference proceedings will be published.

The deadline for 200-word abstracts is January 15, 2006. Abstracts, along
with a brief cv, should be sent to: branson at or to: Dr. Stephanie
Branson, The English Institute, The University of Wroclaw, ul. Kuźnicza 22,
50-138 Wrocław POLAND

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