Comp Lit Conference in Poland

Katie Janicka kjanicka at
Wed Jan 18 03:34:08 UTC 2006

Hi Jerry,

How are you?

Hope the new calendar year and the new year of your life are treating you
well - Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!

You may be interested in this conference.


Katie Janicka
Russian Department
Bryn Mawr College

On Wed, January 11, 2006 4:47 am, Tony Lin said:
> Sorry for multiple postings - some Polish characters didn't show up in the
> last e-mail so I am sending the de-Polonized version:
> Call for Papers: A Comparative Literature Conference in Wroclaw, Poland,
> May
> 6-7, 2006
> Definitions of the real in prose and poetry
> Literary terms such as "magical realism" and "socialist realism"
> problematize the concept of the real as it is portrayed in novels, short
> stories, plays, and poems, particularly in cross-cultural studies. Virtual
> reality and surrounding philosophies grow in importance in the information
> age. Kathryn Hume, in her text Fantasy and Mimesis, contends that both
> fantasy and mimesis are responses to reality, rather than direct
> representations of it. Anne Swinfen provides a raison d'ĂȘtre for fantasy,
> saying:
>  All serious fantasy is deeply rooted in human experience and is relevant
> to
> human living. Its major difference from the realist novel is that it takes
> account of areas of experience - imaginative, subconscious, visionary -
> which free the human spirit to range beyond the limits of empirical
> primary
> world reality. (In Defense of Fantasy 231)
> This conference will provide a forum for the discussion of British,
> American
> and Polish fictional texts which provide definitions of what is real and
> what is imaginary. Papers may be delivered in Polish or in English, and
> sessions will be arranged by language. Joint papers (with two presenters)
> are welcome. Selected conference proceedings will be published.
> The deadline for 200-word abstracts is January 15, 2006. Abstracts, along
> with a brief cv, should be sent to: branson at or to: Dr.
> Stephanie
> Branson, The English Institute, The University of Wroclaw, ul. Kuznicza
> 22,
> 50-138 Wroclaw POLAND
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