A Chinese-English-Russian Question

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere darancourlaferriere at COMCAST.NET
Sat Jan 14 21:12:45 UTC 2006

14 January 2006

Dear Colleagues,
The aging Tolstoy repeatedly praises the writings of a Chinese 
philosopher he refers to as "Mi-ti" (Ми-ти).  I find no such figure in 
the standard English references on "Eastern" thought.  On the other 
hand, there is the important thinker Mo Ti (Mo-tzu), opponent of 
Confucius and advocate of all-embracing love and avoidance of warfare.  
Could this be the same person?  Are there Chinese speakers out there who 
could clarify how the name should be represented with English letters?  
The index to the Makovitskii memoir says the philosopher in question is 
"Mo-di" (Мо-ди, Мо-цзы), but gives different dates than the English 

Thank you,

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere

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