AATSEEL in Philadelphia 12/06, apparently

Prof Steven P Hill s-hill4 at UIUC.EDU
Sun Jan 15 18:34:03 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues:

In reply to my query, I've received quick replies so far from 3 helpful folks (Profs. Caron, Kujundzic, and Alexander -- thanks!). 

All three report what they've heard:  both MLA and AATSEEL have made a decision to move the big conferences (12/27-30/06) from storm-ravaged 
New Orleans TO PHILADELPHIA, PA.  (Evidently the actual decision was made by MLA, and AATSEEL simply followed MLA's scheduling, as it does each 

If the above reports are in error, then anyone who knows better should quickly post his/her update here...

Best wishes to all, 
Steven P Hill,
University of Illinois.
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