
Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Mon Jan 16 11:47:59 UTC 2006

KatarinaPeitlova wrote:

> V osnovnom my govorim to zhe samoe. Proiznosit' zvuki mozhno po
> raznomu - kak vy uzhe ukazyvali,chto u samyx korennyx russkix
> proiznoshenie ne vsegda sovpadaet s normami sovremennogo russkogo
> jazyka.Po-moemu,nashej zadachej ostaetsja interpretirovat'  i
> rasprostranjat' sovremennyj russkij jazyk. Eto ne znachit ,chto
> perestanut suschestvovat' takije javlenia kak ,naprimer, "okanie" i
> "akanie",a "zakony" transkripcii dolzhny ostat'sja te zhe.

OK, then let's return to the original question from Mr. Kaufman. How 
would you answer it?

Пожалуйста. Давайте вернемся к первоначальному вопросу г-на Кауфмана. 
Как на него отвечаете?

 > What is the change in quality of the Russian letter e, as in "On
 > edet", when it's pronounced after a sibilant (sh, shch, ch, zh,
 > ts). I'm curious about two different cases:
 > (1)when e is in a stressed position, as in shedshij or tsentr.
 > (2) in an unsressed position, as in bol'she or khuzhe
 > What is the rule about this, and how would you explain it to
 > English-speaking students?

> Na etot raz ves' teskst chitaetsja.



War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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