Internship-style programs in Russia for undergraduates?

Rebecca Jane Stanton rjs19 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Jan 20 01:31:11 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues,

I have an undergraduate who wants, instead of doing a conventional 
semester abroad for academic credit, to take a semester-long leave of 
absence and use it to travel to Russia -- there to teach English, or 
perform some other useful activity.  Can anyone recommend a reputable 
program or agency under whose auspices she might do this?  (And 
conversely, are there agencies or programs that you definitely would 
*not* recommend?)  Ideally, she would be among Russians (thus, getting 
language exposure), but with recourse to some organizational structure 
with offices (or a counterpart) in the U.S.

Many thanks,

Rebecca Stanton

Assistant Professor of Russian
Barnard College, Columbia University
226D Milbank Hall
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

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