Save the Russian Programs!

Josh Wilson jwilson at
Mon Jan 23 10:47:13 UTC 2006

Dear SEELANGers, 


I've noticed, as I am sure you have as well, a considerable number of Russian programs are in trouble across the globe.  After doing a bit of research on the web I am left with the question: why is there not a web page devoted specifically to teachers who are looking to save/grow their programs?  There are plenty of good general sites for scholars of Slavic studies, even quite a few that list grants, etc. but none that I have found are devoted to this very issue.  


Which begs the question: what would such a page/service look like?  Here is what I've come up so far on my own: 


1.  Statistical information  

The site should provide a database for statistical information about language programs, both from sources like the Dept. of Ed. (found some scant information there) as well as maintain its own statistics, which could be collected via surveys sent out on SEELANGS and similar mailing lists working in partnership. 


2.  Interviews/Stories/Advice from teachers who have grown/saved their programs

I'm sure that there has been much on SEELANGS before on this issue, accessible from the archives, but I (and many others, it seems) have trouble accessing the archives.  


3.  General ideas for "marketing" and "growing the market for" Russian programs.

Ideas on cooperating with other departments (like business or journalism) to increase program practicality and exposure, experiences with study abroad and immersion programs, increasing exposure and awareness within the campus and community, etc. 


4.  Ways to better involve/support students
Info on forming Russian clubs, activities, student grants, publishing opportunities (our site already provides a lot of this info).  


5.  Grants and other assistance

6.  Other ideas?

Again, I'm sure that much of this exists somewhere online.  However, it seems that it should be brought together into an easy-to-use set of web pages and a maintained, free statistical service.  I've presented the idea for this to our General Director, and she has approved of my pursuing the idea and using our site to build and maintain the pages.  


But before I go any further with this, I wanted to ask SEELANGS - would such a service be of interest?  Perhaps I am duplicating another service?  Or perhaps I have just revealed myself as a naive dreamer?  


I welcome any advice or comments on- or off-list.  




Josh Wilson

Assistant Director of Programs

and General Editor

The School of Russian and Asian Studies

jwilson at


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