Save the Russian Programs!

David Powelstock pstock at BRANDEIS.EDU
Mon Jan 23 15:50:18 UTC 2006

Dear Josh (and SEELANGERs everywhere),

I think this is a great idea, and you are a mensch for pursuing it. The only part of this that I know for sure to be duplicated is the listing of fellowships and grants. and have such lists, I think. You could, of course, just include a prominent link to these specific pages on those sites. But a site dedicated to advocacy, so to speak, would be a boon to the field, in my opinion. I think that should be the focus. I would suggest adding a section on news affecting the field, such as the recently announced US strategic language initiative. And you might consider including LCT Slavic languages, too.

I'll see if I can come up with any other ideas. But, to repeat myself, great idea!


David Powelstock 
Asst. Prof. of Russian & East European Literatures 
Chair, Program in Russian & East European Studies 
Brandeis University 
GREA, MS 024 
Waltham, MA  02454-9110 
781.736.3347 (Office)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Slavic & East European Languages and Literature list
> [mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] On Behalf Of Josh Wilson
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 5:47 AM
> Subject: [SEELANGS] Save the Russian Programs!
> Dear SEELANGers,
> I've noticed, as I am sure you have as well, a considerable number of
> Russian programs are in trouble across the globe.  After doing a bit of
> research on the web I am left with the question: why is there not a web
> page devoted specifically to teachers who are looking to save/grow their
> programs?  There are plenty of good general sites for scholars of Slavic
> studies, even quite a few that list grants, etc. but none that I have
> found are devoted to this very issue.
> Which begs the question: what would such a page/service look like?  Here
> is what I've come up so far on my own:
> 1.  Statistical information
> The site should provide a database for statistical information about
> language programs, both from sources like the Dept. of Ed. (found some
> scant information there) as well as maintain its own statistics, which
> could be collected via surveys sent out on SEELANGS and similar mailing
> lists working in partnership.
> 2.  Interviews/Stories/Advice from teachers who have grown/saved their
> programs
> I'm sure that there has been much on SEELANGS before on this issue,
> accessible from the archives, but I (and many others, it seems) have
> trouble accessing the archives.
> 3.  General ideas for "marketing" and "growing the market for" Russian
> programs.
> Ideas on cooperating with other departments (like business or journalism)
> to increase program practicality and exposure, experiences with study
> abroad and immersion programs, increasing exposure and awareness within
> the campus and community, etc.
> 4.  Ways to better involve/support students
> Info on forming Russian clubs, activities, student grants, publishing
> opportunities (our site already provides a lot of this info).
> 5.  Grants and other assistance
> 6.  Other ideas?
> Again, I'm sure that much of this exists somewhere online.  However, it
> seems that it should be brought together into an easy-to-use set of web
> pages and a maintained, free statistical service.  I've presented the idea
> for this to our General Director, and she has approved of my pursuing the
> idea and using our site to build and maintain the pages.
> But before I go any further with this, I wanted to ask SEELANGS - would
> such a service be of interest?  Perhaps I am duplicating another service?
> Or perhaps I have just revealed myself as a naive dreamer?
> I welcome any advice or comments on- or off-list.
> Sincerely,
> Josh Wilson
> Assistant Director of Programs
> and General Editor
> The School of Russian and Asian Studies
> jwilson at
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