Boris Groys events at UFL

Dragan Kujundzic dragan at UFL.EDU
Tue Jan 24 07:26:14 UTC 2006


I am pleased to invite you to the following events at the University of 
Florida, Gainesville, featuring one of the the leading European 
philosophers, Boris Groys:

Boris Groys//
/The Post-Communist Condition:  Art and Identity in the New Europe/
Harn Eminent Scholar Chair in Art History Lecture Series
Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville
6 p.m, Tuesday, January 31, 2006
/Encounter With Boris Groys/
Public discussion with Boris Groys on art, politics, post-communism and 
technology in Russia, Germany and Europe, followed by a reception.
Keen Faculty Center, University of Florida, Gainesville
4-5:30pm, Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Reception from 5:30-7pm hosted by the Department of Germanic and Slavic 
Free and open to the public.
Dr. Boris Groys, one of the leading philosophers and theoreticians of 
art and media, will give a lecture titled:  /The Post-Communist 
Condition: Art and Identity in the New Europe./  The lecture will 
address issues of art and identity in an expanded European Union.  
Specifically he will examine art in the context of the utopian and 
ultranationalist aspirations that have influenced the formation of the 
New Europe and its former communist states.  Dr. Groys will also 
participate in a public seminar and reception in his honor hosted by the 
Department of German and Slavic Studies on February 1, 2006 
Dr. Groys is the professor of Aesthetics, Art History and Media Theory 
at the Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany and was 
recently named as a Global Distinguished Professor at New York 
University.  He has taught at Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, the 
University of Southern California, and in Cinema Studies and Russian and 
Slavic Studies at New York University.  He has published many books on 
art and museums including /Vanishing Point Moscow/, /The Art of 
Installation/, the /Logic of Collection: the End of the Age of Museums/, 
/Under Suspicion: a Phenomenology of the Media Politics of Immortality/, 
/Topology of Art/ and /Dream Factory Communism/.  His essays have been 
published in books and journals produced by MIT, Tate Publishing, The 
Robert Lehman Lectures of Contemporary Art at the Diaz Art Center, and 
as part of the prestigious Documenta 11 publications. 
Sponsors:  The School of Art and Art History, The Harn Museum of Art, 
Department of German and Slavic Studies, The European Studies Center; at 
the University of Florida, Gainesville. For further information please 
contact: Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, phone: 352 392 2101, 
or email: Dragan Kujundzic, Chair, dragan at 
<mailto:dragan at>; or Kerry Oliver-Smith, kos at 
<mailto:kos at>, phone 352 392 9826.

Dragan Kujundzic
Professor of Germanic and Slavic Studies
Chair, Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies
University of Florida
263A Dauer Hall, PO Box 117430
Gainesville, FL 32611-7430
Tel: (352) 392-2101 ext. 212 
Fax: (352) 392-1067

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