Help with Tsvetaeva poems

Benjamin Sher sher07 at MINDSPRING.COM
Thu Aug 2 20:04:19 UTC 2007

Dear friends:

I would appreciate your help in locating a few poems by Tsvetaeva. Here 
is the problem: About ten years ago I translated a number of poems by 
Tsvetaeva. These are interpretative translations (or adaptations). My 
problem in locating the original Russian texts is twofold: first, I lost 
the Russian texts that included the originals for these translations 
and, secondly, the fact that these are interpretative translations means 
that I cannot easily locate them by title or first line. In fact, I am 
not sure that the titles are my own and not Tsvetaeva's. Here are the 
three poems in question:

(Click on Tsvetaeva, English on the menu)

Can you help me locate the original poems that these translations are based on? All I really need are the exact Russian titles. I can probably find the Russian texts online.

Thank you so much.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin Sher
sher07 at

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