Petrushevskaya at (and near) AAASS
Sibelan Forrester
sforres1 at SWARTHMORE.EDU
Wed Nov 4 14:42:19 UTC 2009
Dear SEELANGers planning to attend AAASS next week,
Exciting news: Ludmilla Petrushevskaya will be in the exhibit hall at
AAASS on Friday morning, November 13, 11:00-12:00. Befitting the date,
she will be signing copies of the new edition of her "scary fairy
tales," _There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor's
Baby_, translated by Anna Summers and Keith Gessen (published by Penguin).
Bela Shayevich recently posted information here about Petrushevskaya's
cabaret act in New York City on November 6 (this Friday), at the Russian
Samovar at 8 p.m.
Other Boston area appearances by Petrushevskaya:
On Thursday, November 12, 7 pm, Ludmilla Petrushevskaya will read from
There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby: Scary
Fairy Tales (Penguin), a collection of her short stories selected and
co-translated by Keith Gessen and Anna Summers. The reading will be held
in Room 101 of Boston University’s School of Communication building, 640
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. (Green line: BU East). Tickets: $5 at the
door. This is a Russian-language event.
On Friday, November 13, 7pm, a reception welcoming and honoring Ludmilla
Petrushevskaya will be held at the Pierre Menard Gallery, 10 Arrow
Street, Harvard Square. Wine will
be served; stories will be read; and There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried
to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby will be available for purchase. This
reception is free and open to the public.
For more information about the last two events, please email John
Summers at summersj at <mailto:summersj at>.
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