Petrushevskaya at (and near) AAASS
Melissa Smith
mtsmith02 at YSU.EDU
Wed Nov 4 15:07:57 UTC 2009
For those who are NOT able to attend the cabaret, there are several
videos of her act on YouTube: Лили Марлен, Кибитки, Старушка не спеша.
I'd appreciate knowing if any of her performances or lectures are
recorded while she's in this country.
Thanks, Melissa Smith
Sibelan Forrester wrote:
>Dear SEELANGers planning to attend AAASS next week,
>Exciting news: Ludmilla Petrushevskaya will be in the exhibit hall at
>AAASS on Friday morning, November 13, 11:00-12:00. Befitting the date,
>she will be signing copies of the new edition of her "scary fairy
>tales," _There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor's
>Baby_, translated by Anna Summers and Keith Gessen (published by
>Bela Shayevich recently posted information here about Petrushevskaya's
>cabaret act in New York City on November 6 (this Friday), at the
>Samovar at 8 p.m.
>Other Boston area appearances by Petrushevskaya:
>On Thursday, November 12, 7 pm, Ludmilla Petrushevskaya will read from
>There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby: Scary
>Fairy Tales (Penguin), a collection of her short stories selected and
>co-translated by Keith Gessen and Anna Summers. The reading will be
>in Room 101 of Boston University’s School of Communication building,
>Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. (Green line: BU East). Tickets: $5 at the
>door. This is a Russian-language event.
>On Friday, November 13, 7pm, a reception welcoming and honoring
>Petrushevskaya will be held at the Pierre Menard Gallery, 10 Arrow
>Street, Harvard Square. Wine will
>be served; stories will be read; and There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried
>to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby will be available for purchase. This
>reception is free and open to the public.
>For more information about the last two events, please email John
>Summers at summersj at <mailto:summersj at>.
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Melissa T. Smith, Professor
Department of Foreign Languages and
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, OH 44555
Tel: (330)941-3462
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