Russian identity
Alexandra Smith
Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Sun Nov 8 08:45:55 UTC 2009
Deat Yuri,
First of all, you may wish to consider Derek Offord's excellent
collection of articles written by Russian thinkers -- edited and
translated by Derek Offord and W.J. Leatherbarrow:
A Documentary History of Russian Thought: From the Enlightenment to
Marxism by W.J. Leatherbarrow and Derek Offord (Paperback - 31 Dec
It contains a few articles that explicitly deal with the notion of
Russian identity (Chaadaev, Russian Decembrist's writings on the
Russian state, etc.).
I find Vera Tolz's book very helpful, too: Tolz, Vera. Russia:
Inventing the Nation, 2001. (London: Arnold, and New York: Oxford
University Press).
She has an article on post-Soviet search for identity: "The Search for
National Identity in Yeltsin's and Putin's Russia," in Jonathan
Frankel and Stefani Hoffman (eds.), The Fall of Communism in Europe,
2004. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 160-178.
Robin-Milner-Gulland's book The Russians (Wiley-Blackwell, 2000) deals
more with Russian cultural history, rather than with historical
issues, but it does talk about various manifestations of Russian
identity in visual arts and literature.
Nicholas Riazanovsky's book The Image of Peter the Great in Russian
History and Thought (Oxford University Press, 1992) deals with the
notion of identity in relation to the assessment of Peter the Great's
reforms by various historians and thinkers. It's an excellent source
of information that covers 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
Caryl Emerson's latest book The Cambridge Introduction to Russian
Literature (Cambridge University Press 2008) provides a wonderful
overview of Russian culture as well as literature. It contains various
references to important Russian beliefs, traditional narratives,
attitudes to the West, the role of Petersburg and Moscow in Russian
artistic imagination, etc.
All best,
Alexandra Smith (PhD, University of London)
Reader in Russian Studies
Department of European Languages and Cultures
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The University of Edinburgh
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