CFP: Studies in Slavic Cultures IX: Alternative Culture

Erin Alpert era17 at PITT.EDU
Wed Nov 18 00:40:06 UTC 2009

CFP: Studies in Slavic Cultures IX


Studies in Slavic Cultures IX

Graduate Student Journal

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures


Call for Papers: Alternative Culture


Studies in Slavic Cultures is accepting submissions for the 2010 issue.

The theme of this issue is "Alternative Culture," including, but not limited
to topics related to subcultures, marginalized cultures, culture on the
periphery, dissident literature and culture, underground culture, the
culture of prisons and concentration camps, immigrant culture, queer
culture, anti-Soviet culture, or other non-traditional cultures.


We welcome graduate student submissions investigating any aspect of this
topic in relation to literary, visual, performative, and other areas of
contemporary or non-contemporary culture in Russia and Eastern Europe.


The deadline for submissions is DECEMBER 15, 2009. Queries and submissions
should be sent to Erin Alpert, Hillary Brevig and Olga Klimova at
sisc at


Please visit the following link for detailed submission and formatting



SISC is published by members of the Department of Slavic Languages and
Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh, with support from the Center
for Russian and East European Studies. The journal consists entirely of
analytical articles by graduate students, appears annually, runs to
approximately 120 pages, and is devoted to Slavic culture. SISC is an
image-friendly publication, and the editors encourage applicants to submit
visuals to accompany their work. SISC is indexed in ABSEES.


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