Afanas'ev tales in English by number?

David J. Birnbaum djbpitt+seelangs at PITT.EDU
Wed Nov 18 03:01:28 UTC 2009

Dear SEELANGers,

A non-Slavist folklorist (who can read the Cyrillic alphabet, but does not
know Russian) is working on Propp and would like to be able to identify the
relevant Afanas'ev tales in English translation according to their Afanas'ev
reference numbers, as used by Propp in the Morphology. This colleague knows
about the collation of old and new Afanas'ev numbers in the back of the
University of Texas Press translation of the Morphology. 

I know of two English-language editions of Propp's tales:

1. Norbert Guterman's Pantheon Books edition, first published in 1945,
contains a couple of hundred tales from the Afanas'ev collection (i.e., not
all of the tales in the collection and not all of the tales that Propp
consulted). The Pantheon edition contains no references to the Afanas'ev

2. Jack Haney's multi-volume M. E. Sharpe collection of Russian folk tales
contains a large number of Afanas'ev and non-Afanas'ev tales. I haven't
verified whether it contains all of the tales from the Afanas'ev collection
(does anyone happen to know?). The notes to each tale in the back of each
volume give the sources, so the Afanas'ev numbers are available for tales
from the Afanas'ev collection, but there doesn't seem to be an index by
Afanas'ev number. That is, if one is reading a tale one can look at the
corresponding note in the back of the volume and find its Afanas'ev number,
but if one is looking for a particular Afanas'ev number, there is no easy
way to identify, locate, and navigate to that tale.

Surely in the more than sixty years since the publication of the Pantheon
edition some Slavic folklorist has collated the English translations in that
volume with the Afanas'ev numbers, and perhaps someone has compiled a
similar collation for the newer M. E. Sharpe collection. Can someone provide
such a list?


David (Birnbaum)
djbpitt at

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