[TRANS]National Subjects

Kris Van Heuckelom Kris.VanHeuckelom at ARTS.KULEUVEN.BE
Fri Dec 2 23:17:34 UTC 2011

Upcoming conference "[TRANS]National Subjects. Framing Post-1989 Migration on the European Screen"

The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) would like to invite you to an international conference on contemporary European cinema and post-1989 migration, to be held in Leuven from Thursday, December 15 until Saturday, December 17, 2011.

Keynote speakers are:

- Dominique Arel<http://www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca/personnel/arel.html> (University of Ottawa, Canada), Europeans on the Move: Cinema as a Research Tool
- Dina Iordanova<http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/filmstudies/staff.php?staffid=2> (University of St Andrews, Scotland), Traffic Trajectories: Poverty, Post Communism, and Cinematic Representation
- Ewa Mazierska<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/schools/journalism_media_communication/film_and_media/emazierska.php> (University of Central Lancashire, UK), Work, Mobility and Eastern European Cinema (1960s-2000s)

For more details and registration: http://www.transnationalsubjects.eu

Please forward this message to any of your colleagues or students who may be interested in attending.

Kris Van Heuckelom, PhD
Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Slavic and East-European Studies K.U. Leuven
Mobile: + 32 486 614531
mailto: kris.vanheuckelom at arts.kuleuven.be<mailto:kris.vanheuckelom at arts.kuleuven.be> <mailto:kris.vanheuckelom at arts.kuleuven.be>
web: http://mill.arts.kuleuven.be/slavic/van%20heuckelom/kris.htm
web: http://www.transnationalsubjects.eu<http://www.transnationalsubjects.eu/>

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