the Booker prize for the last decade -- Chudakov and Tolstaya

Alexandra Smith Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Sat Dec 3 10:33:29 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Just to let you know about the latest "Ruskii Buker desiatiletiia"  
prize. It was awarded posthumously to Aleksandr Chudakov (1938-2005)  
(a prominent Chekhov scholar) for his novel "Lozhitsia mgla na starye  
stupeni". And the "Studencheskii Buker desiatiletiia" was awarded to  
Tatyana Tolstaya for her novel "Kys'".
A short report on this award is published here:

All best,

Alexandra Smith (PhD, University of London)
Reader in Russian Studies
Department of European Languages and Cultures
School of  Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JX

tel. +44-(0)131-6511381
fax: +44- (0)0131 651 1311
e-mail: Alexandra.Smith at

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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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