More strange skuka

Evgeny Steiner es9 at SOAS.AC.UK
Tue Dec 6 23:13:12 UTC 2011

"...The boredom of grudge"??


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Robert Chandler <kcf19 at>wrote:

> Dear all,
> This could probably be improved too!  Any thoughts?
> -- Почему вы такой печальный... Вы меня любите или нет?
>     Она дышала на него теплотой улыбающегося  рта,  платье  ее
> шелестело,  --  скука  зла  и  мужества охватила Сарториуса. Он
> ответил ей:
> -- Нет. Я любуюсь другою Москвой -- городом.
> Moscow Chestnova joined Sartorius on the balcony, and said to him with a
> smile, "Why are you so sad?  Do you love me or not?"
> She was breathing on him with the warmth of her smiling mouth and her
> dress was rustling.  Seized by the tedium of malice and bravado, Sartorius
> replied, "No, I'm admiring another Moscow - the city."
> All the best,
> Robert
> Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD
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