More strange skuka

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Tue Dec 6 22:17:34 UTC 2011

Dear all,

This could probably be improved too!  Any thoughts?
-- Почему вы такой печальный... Вы меня любите или нет?

     Она дышала на него теплотой улыбающегося  рта,  платье  ее

шелестело,  --  скука  зла  и  мужества охватила Сарториуса. Он

ответил ей:

-- Нет. Я любуюсь другою Москвой -- городом.

Moscow Chestnova joined Sartorius on the balcony, and said to him with a smile, “Why are you so sad?  Do you love me or not?”

She was breathing on him with the warmth of her smiling mouth and her dress was rustling.  Seized by the tedium of malice and bravado, Sartorius replied, “No, I’m admiring another Moscow – the city.”

All the best,


Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

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