quote by Vertov

William Derbyshire Wwdslovene at AOL.COM
Sat Dec 17 23:48:44 UTC 2011

Can anyone direct me to a source (preferably available on the  Internet) 
with the 
original Russian text of the quote by Dziga Vertov below? Many  thanks.
"We rise against the collusion between the director-enchanter and the  
public which is submitted to the enchantment. The conscious alone can fight  
against magical suggestions of every kind. The conscious alone can form a man 
of  firm convictions and opinions. We need conscious people, not an 
unconscious  mass, ready to yield to any suggestion. Long live the consciousness of 
the pure  who can see and hear! Down with the scented veil of kisses, 
murders, doves and  conjuring tricks! Long live the class vision! Long live the  

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