quote by Vertov

Steve Marder asured at VERIZON.NET
Sun Dec 18 02:48:04 UTC 2011

William Derbyshire wrote:

>Can anyone direct me to a source (preferably available on the  Internet)
>with the 
>original Russian text of the quote by Dziga Vertov below? Many  thanks.
>"We rise against the collusion between the director-enchanter and the
>public which is submitted to the enchantment. The conscious alone can
>against magical suggestions of every kind. The conscious alone can form a
>of  firm convictions and opinions. We need conscious people, not an
>unconscious  mass, ready to yield to any suggestion. Long live the
>consciousness of 
>the pure  who can see and hear! Down with the scented veil of kisses,
>murders, doves and  conjuring tricks! Long live the class vision! Long
>live the  

There's good news and there's news not so good. The good news is that I
was able to piece the passage together by back-translating phrase by
phrase from various sources on the Internet. The only single source I saw
multiple references to was: Дробашенко С. (ред.-сост.), Дзига Вертов.
Статьи. Дневники. Замыслы. 327 c., 1966. Unfortunately, however, I wasn't
able to download it for several reasons. Maybe you or someone else will
have better luck. At any rate, here's what I came up with. Oddly enough, I
can only posit the last sentence since I didn't actually find it online.

"Мы против сделки «волшебника-режиссера» с подверженной волшебству
публикой. Только сознание может бороться с магическими внушениями всякого
порядка. Только сознание может создать человека с твердыми взглядами, с
твердыми убеждениями. Нам нужны сознательные люди, а не поддающаяся
любому, очередному внушению бессознательная масса. Да здравствует
классовое сознание здоровых, видящих и слышащих людей! Долой благоуханную
завесу из поцелуев, убийств, голубей и фокусов! Да здравствует классовое
зрение! [Да здравствует Кино-Глаз!]"

Steve Marder

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