Scando-Slavica thematic issue: The Russian verb

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at ILOS.UIO.NO
Wed Dec 28 11:29:57 UTC 2011

The editors of Scando-Slavica are happy to announce, not only that we have published a thematic issue on the Russian verb - aspect, tense, and mood, but also that the entire issue is available online  *for free* from the publisher. Go to <>, where you will find the current issue, 57:2, and click also "Forthcoming articles" in the menu on the left for two articles that for lack of space had to go into issue 58:1. 

The issue contains articles based on papers by the invited speakers at an international conference held at the Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg (< >) on  27–30 May 2010. 

Not only that - those who take an interest in Russian aspect, tense, and mood will in about a month’s time find several more articles based on papers given at this conference in the open-access e-journal _Oslo Studies in Language_: <>.

And if your interests lie elsewhere, Scando-Slavica is a multidisciplinary journal. Check "View all volumes and issues" at the site mentioned above, and here you can find out how to submit an article: <>.
Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo, PO Box 1003 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47/22856710, fax +1/5084372444

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