ASEEES 2012 Panel on OBERIU

Geoff Cebula geoff.cebula at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 28 23:13:10 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for a third paper for a panel on OBERIU for ASEEES 2012. A
fitting paper may be on an individual writer (Kharms, Zabolotsky, etc.),
the entire group, or the late Russian avant-garde. The two papers that we
have already - by Jason Strudler (Princeton) and myself - focus on the
influence of the avant-garde on Kharms and Vvedensky. We are looking for a
third paper that will fit the OBERIU theme and/or examine the context of
the Russian avant-garde.

Matvei Yankelevich (Hunter) will be our discussant, and Jason Cieply
(Stanford) will chair.

Please respond off-list to gcebula at Thank you.

Geoff Cebula
Princeton University

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