our next volume of Platonov from NYRB Classics

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Fri Dec 30 18:18:50 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Our next volume of Platonov will be coming out in late 2012.  It will contain a greatly revised translation of HAPPY MOSCOW, together with the stories "Moscow Violin" and "A Sparrow's Journey", the article "On the First Socialist Tragedy" and the film script "Father-Mother".

It is possible that there may be one or two of you who have taught HAPPY MOSCOW, using our previous translation.  If you, or anyone else, happen to have noticed anything that seems wrong (inaccurate, false, dull, incomprehensible!) in any way, please can you let me know.  I'll be very grateful indeed!

And if there is anyone among you who would like to be an extra pre-publication reader for any part of this volume, I'll gladly send him or her a file.  I still have quite a lot of work to do on the introduction, but everything else is close to being finished. 

And if any of you happen to have written anything recently about any of these works, or to have read anything interesting, can you tell me about that too?

All the best, to all of you, for 2012!


(I'll be away Jan 2 - 5.)

Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

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