barrier to tenderness

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere darancourlaferriere at COMCAST.NET
Sat Dec 1 21:45:03 UTC 2012

For a brief review of the literature on corporal punishment in Russia, see my book THE SLAVE SOUL OF RUSSIA (NYU Press, 1995, n. 13, p. 268; also index entry "corporal punishment").

With regards to the list.

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere

On Dec 1, 2012, at 1:56 AM, John Dunn wrote:

It is all in Chapter 17 of Domostroi: Како дѣти оучити и страхомъ сп[а]сати
This lists in detail the dire fates that lie in wait for you and your household if you fail to show sufficient determination (or, as we would now say, brutality) in disciplining your children.

John Dunn. 

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