
R. M. Cleminson rmcleminson at POST.SK
Sun Dec 9 17:38:01 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

The Russian Ministry of Culture (!) is proposing an act of vandalism on a scale that not even recent events have prepared us for, namely the closure of the State Instutute of Art Studies, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies, D.S.Lichačev Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Institute of Art History in St Petersburg (Государственного института искусствознания, Российского института культурологии, Российского научно-исследовательского института культурного и природного наследия имени Д. С. Лихачева и Института истории искусств (Санкт-Петербург)).  For details, and the opportunity to protest at this unprecedented barbarity, please see 
It is the duty of us all to sign.

Ralph Cleminson

Vyhraj 500 € na

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