CFP: Historical Tragedy (2013 ASEEES, Boston)

Maksim Hanukai mh2623 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Sat Dec 8 15:51:41 UTC 2012

CFP: Historical Tragedy (2013 ASEEES Conference, Boston)
DEADLINE: Dec 20, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for two more presenters and a discussant for a panel on “historical tragedy” in the Romantic period. Papers could address: the Romantic re-definition of tragedy; historical tragedy in Russia/Eastern Europe and the West; tragedy and Romantic historiography; history and nationalism; history and myth; the Hero of historical tragedy; history as comedy; chance and historical necessity; and other related topics.  

Please email me at mh2623 at with your title and a brief description of your paper if you’re interested in participating.

Thank you,
Maksim Hanukai
Boris Gasparov

Maksim Hanukai
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
Columbia University
mh2623 at

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