ASEEES 2013: panels and roundtables on postsocialist neoliberalism and social movements

Rossen Djagalov djagalov at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Dec 12 17:17:44 UTC 2012

Dear SEELANGers,

At next year's conference in Boston (Nov. 21-24, 2013) there will be a stream of panels/ roundtables under the general rubric postsocialist neoliberalism and social movements. This is meant to be a continuation of this year's ASEEES panels on the topic, which in turn were an attempt to bring to North America a conversation that has been taking place among a group of East European academics in Budapest over the last two summer ( and 

If you are interested in participating in whatever capacity, please, let me know. And be well,

neoliberalism panels at ASEEES 2012

Thursday, Nov. 15th: 17-18:45
3-24 Neoliberalism 1: Political economy and the scientification of governance in Eastern Europe
Narcis Tubure, Creation of Capital Markets, Market Experiments & Science in Romania
Adam Leeds, Neoliberalism & the Economic Profession in Russia
Jennifer Suchland, Economic Critiques of Sexual Violence in Neoliberal Russia
Discussant: Johanna Bockman
Chair: Rossen Djagalov

Friday, Nov 16th: 8-9:45
4-33 Neoliberalism 2: Labor in the neoliberal city
Kinga Pozniak, Polish Nowa Huta as a model city of socialism & neoliberalism
Zev Moses, Neoliberal Urban development in Saraevo
Liene Ozolina, Shifting meaning of work(ing) in post-socialist Latvia
Discussant: David Ost
Chair: Elena Gapova

Friday, Nov. 16th: 13:45-15:30
6-18 Neoliberalism 3: Between East-West networks and the right turn
Martin Marinos, Neoliberalism and far-right discourse in Bulgaria: the “Ataka” party in the context of global capitalism
Zsuzsa Gille, The anti-liberals of neoliberalism: right-wing resistance to structural adjustment, euro-bailouts, and free trade in Hungary
Johanna Bockman, What can East European neoliberalism tell us about the United States?
Discussant: Kole Kilibarda
Chair: James Robertson

Saturday, Nov. 17th: 10-11:45
9-17 Neoliberalism 4: Ideological transitions
Svetla Dimitrova, The ideological symbiosis of neoliberalism and socialism
Thomas Skowronek, On the poetics of postsocialist art economies in Russia and Poland
Elena Gapova, "Ya ne potessa, ya poet": political correctness in the Post-Soviet public sphere
Discussant: Olga Shevchenko
Chair: Zhivka Valiavicharska

Sunday, Nov. 18th: 8-9:45
12-16 Neoliberalism 5: The liberal heritage
Zhivka Valiavicharska, Former dissident subjects and neoliberal politics in post-socialist Bulgaria
Jessie Labov, The velvet museum: the paradoxes of neoliberalism after 1989
Agnes Gagyi, Anti-populism as an element of postsocialism
Discussant: Zsuzsa Gille
Chair: Dragan Kujundzic

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