a quick question about gift wrap in Russia

Nadia Roscoff roscoffn at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 14 02:29:45 UTC 2012

Hi there, 
I think in this particular context, the same idea can be rendered by "unopened gifts". 
Just a thought...

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-12-13, at 3:36 PM, Andrea Gregovich <agregovich at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Hello Colleagues,
> I'm hoping someone can help me with a small translation detail I don't want to botch.  In a story, an old lady decorates her walls with, among other things, "чьи-то подарки в пакетах."  From discussions with the author, I'm clear that this is essentially gift wrap from presents people have given her, but I was unable to explain to him my dilemma... are these "gift bags" or "wrapping paper"?  A "пакет" usually seems like it's a bag or container of some sort, but I can see how it might fit as a description of regular wrapping paper.  I confess I don't know anything about Russian gift wrapping habits in the eighties, which is when this story seems to be set.  
> Thanks for your help in clearing this up!
> Best,
> Andrea Gregovich
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