a quick question about gift wrap in Russia

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Fri Dec 14 02:31:19 UTC 2012

Lakhtikova, Anastasiya V wrote:

> Andrea,
> They are a certain kind of a plastic bag. It's a shopping bag but it's
> very different from American shopping bags. Neither is it a gift bag.
> It’s about the size of an American shopping paper bag or even bigger,
> configured in the same way, with plastic handles. It’s usually plastic,
> opaque, with some gaudy photograph (a model, an auto, a landscape, or
> fruit) on white background.
> Here, if you scroll down you will see a slightly more modest version of
> what I am describing.
> <http://www.kznportal.ru/photoreports/id6156/ >

If you're referring to the one that says "Олимпиада-80," I'd call that a 
"souvenir bag" (to remember the event). I agree it's not fancy enough to 
call a "gift bag"; I definitely deducted points for the use of plastic.

For gift bags, see the images here:

And those look an awful lot like these:

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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