Feeling Political: Affective Relationships to the Russian State (2013 ASEEES Conference, Boston)

Jennifer L. Wilson jlwtwo at PRINCETON.EDU
Sun Dec 16 20:10:34 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

    We are seeking a chair for our 2013 ASEEES panel, "Feeling" Political: Affective Relationships to the Russian State.   The panel will include two papers on queer affect theory (and its application to both 19th and 20th-century cultural contexts) and a third paper on Radishchev, sympathy, and Soviet sentimentalism.  If interested, please contact us off list at jlwtwo at princeton.edu<mailto:jlwtwo at princeton.edu> and gcebula at princeton.edu<mailto:gcebula at princeton.edu>


Jennifer Wilson

Ph.D. Candidate

Princeton University

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